PRC’s Mighty Real Fundraiser – An amazing achievement!

On Friday, October 4th, PRC’s Mighty Real fundraiser brought an unforgettable night of celebration, compassion, and community to The Pearl in San Francisco. With more than 200 attendees, the energy in the venue was electric as we embraced this year’s theme: Imagine | Inspire | Act. Thanks to our generous guests and supporters, we raised over $200,000 to support PRC’s life-changing services! 

Mighty Real Fundraiser rooftop reception

The evening began on the rooftop, where guests gathered to enjoy the rare San Francisco heat, taking in the views while connecting with fellow compassionate changemakers—many dressed fabulously to reflect their “Mighty Real” selves. Our extraordinary volunteers set the stage for the event, decorating the venue, welcoming and checking in guests, and playing a key role in several fundraising activations. 

One lucky guest who purchased a blinky ring raffle entry walked away with a treasure chest of luxury goods and experiences valued at over $7,500, including a signed guitar donated by our Spirits and Innovator Sponsor, Tito’s Handmade Vodka. Many others donated to our wine pull, leaving with a mystery bottle of wine for a game that blended fun and philanthropy. 

The live auction was full of excitement. It offered trips to Portugal and Puerto Vallarta, a year of dining at some of San Francisco’s finest restaurants, and framed and signed Golden State Warriors championship memorabilia

A special shout-out goes to Chevron, our largest supporter of the night, contributing an incredible $20,000 between their sponsorship and the Fund-a-Need match.

As the night moved into the main ballroom for dinner, our guests heard inspiring words from Master of Ceremonies Jon Moscone, Hostess Extraordinaire Donna Sachet, Mayor London Breed, Senator Scott Weiner, and PRC CEO Chuan Teng

This year’s awards recognized the incredible contributions of several honorees. Steven Ames Brown received the Sylvester Community Pillar Award for his tireless efforts to ensure that Sylvester’s and other artists’ royalties continue benefitting PRC and other nonprofits. Steven has also been instrumental in representing BIPOC musicians for decades, securing the royalties they deserve. 

Dr. Monica Gandhi was honored with the Vanguard Leadership Award for her pioneering contributions to HIV/AIDS medical advancements and her leadership as the Medical Director of Ward 86, one of the first dedicated HIV clinics in the U.S. Her work has been invaluable in removing stigma and providing compassionate care.

The Outstanding Corporate Partnership Award went to Marsh McLennan Agency, who has been a close partner to PRC, working alongside our People Experience team to provide staff with the best benefits. Their continued support, including securing a grant for PRC from the Barney and Barney Foundation, has been invaluable. 

A particularly memorable highlight of the evening came from Basil Martinez, a former PRC client and now PRC’s Workforce Development Program Coordinator. Basil captivated the audience with his powerful story of recovery, sharing the experiences that brought him to PRC. His honest recounting of setbacks and personal transformation moved everyone in the room, showing that with the right support, positive change is not only possible—it’s something we see and support at PRC every day. 

As the program wrapped up, guests hit the dance floor with tunes from DJ Adrian Loving, celebrating a night of incredible impact and opportunity for our clients. 

We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who helped make the night such a tremendous success, including PRC Board Members and Event Chairs Michael Niczyporuk and Darren Smith, our Mighty Real Committee members Colin Hartke, Phillip Keeling, Michael Kyle, Camellia Ngo Peabody and John Peabody, Brian Schneider, and Nichole Wiley, our generous sponsors and in-kind donors, our dedicated volunteers, and all who attended. Your support continues to make a real difference for the community we serve. 

Thank you for making this year’s Mighty Real a night to remember! 

Presenting PRC’s 2023/24 Impact Report

We are excited to present PRC’s 2023/24 Impact Report, centered around the theme of our clients’ journeys and how they Imagine, Inspire, Act. 

This report highlights our unwavering commitment to supporting low-income and unhoused individuals living with HIV, mental illness, and substance use disorders. Through proven strategies and compassionate services, we continue to advocate for lasting change and improved client well-being.

This publication also represents a complete design refresh to be much more photo-and story-centric. We’d love to hear your feedback.

Explore the report

Our clients inspire us daily with their resilience, determination, and love for life. Their journeys remind us that change is possible. When we imagine a brighter future, we inspire one another and act with purpose. The dedication of our team, alongside the steadfast support of partners like you, drives this progress. 

We invite you to explore the report and see how PRC is delivering on its mission. You’ll read the inspiring story of AJ, a former client who now works at PRC, giving back to the community that supported him. His story is just one example of how we’re making a tangible difference.

Together, we are creating a healthier, more hopeful future for all.

In community,


Mental Healthcare is Changing in California. Join Us in Changing it for the Better!

Mental health. Substance use. Homelessness. Solutions. Investment.
These words typify our experience as San Franciscans, Californians, as Americans. But how often to we push beyond the buzzwords and have meaningful dialogue about the real issues affecting our communities? When was the last time we heard from an expert about the work on the ground and solutions that are achievable for everyday people?

Hear what we all need to keep in mind as we consider how to get involved in solutions on mental health in our community.

We’re grateful to Manny’s for providing a platform for this kind of community-based dialogue last month, joining the California Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies for an important conversation on the changing nature of our state’s behavioral health system. Together, we unpacked recent legislation affecting organizations like PRC and talked through the many reasons to be hopeful in the face of frustration.

“This is an incredibly dynamic moment for Behavioral Health in San Francisco, and it will require the collective effort of our entire community to explore innovative solutions for the systemic changes we aspire to see. While our primary focus is serving our clients, we understand that we cannot do this in isolation. We are committed to serving our clients alongside community members, recognizing that social rehabilitation thrives within the context of community.” – Chuan Teng, PRC Chief Executive Officer

Here are the most important takeaways you need to know:

  1. There’s more energy and political will around behavioral health in halls of power across California than ever before. Just last year, there were more than 300 behavioral health bills introduced, shattering levels from previous legislative sessions. That enthusiasm for solutions is in and of itself, a good thing. 
  2. It’s important to keep conversations around public health and criminality separate. Unfortunately, we’re seeing these conversations conflated. People who use drugs aren’t universally experiencing homelessness. People without homes aren’t universally using drugs or living with mental illness. We should reject language that says otherwise. We need to prioritize getting people into treatment because it’s proven to work. 
  3. Ensuring that everyone has the behavioral healthcare they deserve isn’t the responsibility of the government or one stakeholder. It will take all of us, government leaders, public and private health sector, nonprofits and philanthropy, and the community, working together to get more people housed and more people in treatment.

Manny’s, located in the Mission, is a space where the community comes together to take part in civic and political life. Manny’s is a town hall, a village square, the place where anyone can meet and engage with civic leaders, elected officials, artists, activists, changemakers, and each other.

Black Leadership Council’s Advocacy Day

Imagine a California truly equitable for Black communities and individuals. Imagine the Black mother-to-be who can focus on her pregnancy without worrying about any adverse maternal outcomes. Imagine the Black child who has everything they need to excel in school, graduate, and move on to a meaningful career. Imagine the young Black couple with as much opportunity and access to own a home and pass it down to their children.

Advocacy Day 2023 left to right: Dr. LaWanda Wesley, Dr. MaryAnn Jones, Paul (in rear), Tomiquia Moss, Assemblymember Matt Haney, Shellena Eskridge, Tasha Henneman, Darris Young, Brett Andrews and Monet Boyd.

Enter the Black Leadership Council, an initiative of PRC, which convenes leaders from various fields across our great state to turn that hopefulness of Black prosperity into reality. One way we achieve that reality is through on-the-ground power building at our state’s capitol each Juneteenth. Our “Black in Action” Day of Advocacy brings together leaders from private and public sectors, from all racial backgrounds, urban and rural communities, and all walks of life, to address the systemic inequities preventing millions of Black Californians from the thriving lifestyles they so deserve.

Part of how we make Black prosperity a reality is to amplify the work and voices of leaders who have dedicated their lives to making California a place for all. We’ll take time to celebrate a handful of  California’s top leaders at our legislative luncheon. Please join us in recognizing the following changemakers for their invaluable contributions to communities across the state!

Exceptional Leadership Awardees

Tony Thurmond, California State Superintendent
For exceptional leadership and commitment to educational equity in California.

Shirley M. Weber, Ph.D., California Secretary of State
For exceptional and groundbreaking leadership in achieving Black Prosperity in California.

Dr. Flo Cofer, Community Advocate & Leader
For exceptional leadership in public health and championing health equity in California.

Next Generation Leadership Awardee

Tiyesha Watts, Legislative & Policy Advocate, California Academy of Family Physicians
Our Young Adult Award recognizes outstanding leadership and positive change in California.

Black Leadership Council Visionaries

Tomiquia Moss, Secretary, California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency
Malia Cohen, California State Controller
For their instrumental foundational support for the BLC and overall leadership in California. (“Seeding Sisters” of the BLC)

Advocacy is a continuous journey, extending far beyond June 19th. We invite you to support the BLC’s ongoing efforts by sponsoring Advocacy Day or donating to help sustain our work. Your contribution plays a vital role in advancing our mission and creating meaningful change in our communities.

PRC’s Black Leadership Council hosts its third annual Advocacy Day

We are excited to share that PRC’s Black Leadership Council (BLC) is gearing up for its third annual day of action in Sacramento on Juneteenth. This is a prime opportunity for the BLC and community members to nurture, build, and foster relationships and collaborations with key policy makers and state leaders, for the long-term success of our advocacy efforts.

Community leaders are empowered to be effective advocates for change. By sharing their personal stories, experiences, and expertise, they engage in a day of impactful dialogue, collaborative problem-solving, and collective action. This not only amplifies the voices of those directly affected by the issues we care about but also fosters a sense of solidarity and shared purpose among participants. 

Advocacy Day 2022 left to right: Dr. LaWanda Wesley, Assemblymember Lori Wilson, Nichelle Kitt (back), Tasha Henneman, Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer, Tamara Rasberry

The BLC is an initiative of PRC’s, formed in 2019, in response to the release of the 2018 Black/African American Health report developed by the SF Health Department. The report motivated a group of Black San Francisco leaders to convene strategies to address the alarming health disparities disproportionately affecting the Black community, highlighting stark discrepancies in access to quality healthcare, prevalence of chronic diseases, and life expectancy. These findings underscore the urgent need for targeted interventions, systemic reforms, and equitable policies to address the root causes of these disparities and ensure health equity for all populations.  

In 2020, following the murder of George Floyd, the BLC opted for a more comprehensive approach to action, centering on statewide reform. They formulated a Black prosperity agenda that includes four key policy areas: health, wealth, housing, and education.

To date, the BLC has hosted several community trainings and educational forums and is co-sponsoring two bills this year: 

AB 2250 (Weber) – this bill seeks to improve access to social determinants of health (SDOH) screenings and community navigation services by requiring health plans and insurers to pay for screening for SDOH, and to provide access to community health workers, promotores, representatives, peer support specialist, lay health workers, and social workers.   

AB 2465 (Gibson) – this bill seeks to level the playing field by requiring specific state agencies to implement equity in a specific set of grant programs where people of color and diverse-led organizations are underrepresented or non-existent.  Both bills are in Appropriation committees, so we have been ramping up and mobilizing our advocacy efforts to ensure they receive the necessary funding and support to move forward. The BLC is also supporting over 30 additional bills.

Advocacy Day 2022 left to right: Denise Green, Ryan White, Dr. Dr. LaWanda Wesley, Nenaji Jackson, (back row) Adrian Mohamad, Toni Newman, Darryl Lucien, Tasha Henneman, Tamara Rasberry, Senator Bradford, Senator Wiener, Assemblymember Gibson, Christopher Whitmore

This year’s Advocacy Day on June 19th promises to be an exhilarating day of action and education for participants and all involved, culminating in a legislative awards reception honoring some of the state’s most esteemed leaders and celebrating Juneteenth.  

Advocacy is a continuous journey, extending far beyond June 19th. We invite you to support the BLC’s ongoing efforts by sponsoring Advocacy Day or donating to help sustain our work. Your contribution plays a vital role in advancing our mission and creating meaningful change in our communities.

Celebrating our unsung superheroes: the Facilities Team

As we continue celebrating May as PRC’s Staff Appreciation Month, we’d like to take some time to recognize some of the unsung superheroes of our organization: the Facilities team. While their work often goes unnoticed, their contributions are indispensable in ensuring the smooth functioning of our residences and properties where our services are provided. 

Beyond the routine tasks of maintenance and repairs at 7 residential treatment facilities, 22 Co-op residences, 2 Hummingbird low barrier access centers, and our Integrated Services Center;  our Facilities team plays a pivotal role in overseeing capital improvements and related grants. They maintain robust property management software ensuring that our clients’ needs are met promptly and efficiently, contributing significantly to their overall well-being.

They are the architects behind the scenes, crafting healing spaces that not only foster a sense of home but also provide safe environments for clients to develop essential social and independent living skills.

The Facilities team embodies the spirit of service and commitment that defines PRC. They are the backbone of our organization, tirelessly working to create environments where our clients can thrive. Their passion, dedication, and hard work are an essential component of the driving force behind the success of our mission. 

As we celebrate Staff Appreciation Month, join us in recognizing and applauding the relentless efforts of our Facilities team. 

P.S. Learn more about PRC’s incredible staff on our Instagram stories (click the Our Team icon). Follow us and share the important work we are doing far and wide!

If you would like to donate food or items to support PRC’s Staff Appreciation Month, contact Greg Perez, Managing Director of People Experience,
at [email protected].

Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right. We believe it should never cost so high that it jeopardizes one’s livelihood. 

Therein lies the rationale for Hope, Grow, Thrive — PRC’s spring appeal highlighting our clients. Now through April 3, all donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000 by two generous members of our Board of Directors! 

PRC’s Equal Access to Healthcare Program (EAHP) ensures affordable healthcare for HIV+ San Francisco residents, providing dedicated legal advice, advocacy, and counseling. Recently, EAHP aided an elderly client who sought relief from his $1,357 monthly healthcare deductible, which accounted for more than 70% of his modest $1,900/month retirement income! Our team was able to facilitate this client’s enrollment in the free Medi-Cal 250% Working Disabled Program, making it so he could both stay in his current home, and preserve his healthcare. 

Your support helps vulnerable individuals overcome healthcare challenges, positively changing their lives. Join us in ensuring healthcare is accessible to all.

Donate today through our April 3 deadline, and your donation will have twice the impact thanks to our board match. 

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P.S. We invite you to meet the people providing these life-changing services in the building where compassion and support take place. Join us at PRC’s Integrated Services Center for our Open House on Wednesday, April 3, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.  

Celebrating a Remarkable Milestone: Bare Chest Calendar Sets Fundraising Record in 2024 

In a monumental achievement, the Bare Chest Calendar and its 2024 team have shattered records by raising an astounding $262,956 during last year’s fundraising season—the highest amount in their 40-year history. Their innovative approach to fundraising has not only set records but also inspired a sense of camaraderie throughout the community.  

Left to right | 2024 Calendar men Nathan and David, Den Daddy Larry Rich, Scott Johnson, PRC CEO Chuan Teng, ASL Interpreter, 2024 Calendar men Ray and Al

To celebrate this milestone, we gathered for the third prelim competition event at the Powerhouse Bar on Thursday, February 15th, marking a night of celebration and community support 

PRC’s CEO Chuan Teng took the stage to express gratitude for the longstanding partnership. The lively crowd exemplified the power and excitement of coming together to support a great cause while reveling in great company. 

The Bare Chest Calendar, PRC’s oldest community fundraiser, holds a special place in our hearts, and we are forever grateful for their unwavering dedication. Founded in 1984 by Terry Thompson with a profound desire to assist those affected by the AIDS epidemic, this iconic fundraiser has consistently demonstrated a commitment to making a positive impact on our community. Visit our blog to learn more about the Bare Chest Calendar. 

A heartfelt thank you goes out to Den Daddy Larry Rich, the entire Bare Chest Brotherhood, and all the competing calendar men. Their selfless efforts extend beyond posing for shirtless charismatic calendar photos. These individuals devote every week from June through December to advocate and raise funds for important causes at local and statewide events.   

Left to right | 2024 Calendar men Nathan and David, Den Daddy Larry Rich, Bare Chest Board Member Scott Johnson, San Francisco Supervisors Matt Dorsey and Rafael Mandelman, 2024 Calendar men Ray and Al

Special appreciation goes to Supervisors Matt Dorsey and Rafael Mandelman for recognizing the Bare Chest Calendar with a certificate of honor. Their kind words about PRC on stage highlighted the incredible hard work our leadership team has undertaken and all we’ve accomplished over the past year and the invaluable role this fundraiser plays in supporting PRC and our clients. 

We extend our congratulations to the Bare Chest Calendar and the 2024 team for their extraordinary achievement and look forward to witnessing their continued positive impact for years to come. Cheers to a calendar that not only bares chests but also bares the generous spirit of our community. 

A testament to the resilience of the human spirit

I will never forget that fateful day 15 years ago when I was diagnosed with HIV. There was this deep shame that came with it. How could I let this happen, I wondered. How could I tell my family? I was deeply afraid of how others would react.   

But you needn’t worry. My story isn’t one of despair. It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the power of community, and the transformative impact of organizations like PRC, and supporters like you – thank you – that helped me along the way.  

When I was growing up in the 80s, the media portrayed HIV as a death sentence. At that time, it was. Medical advancements since then have made it so individuals with HIV can live a long vivacious life with treatment. However, the stigma has become so deeply ingrained that newly diagnosed people frequently experience significant mental health challenges, often a result of stigma and shame. That was certainly true for me.  

That shame led me to substance abuse, which I kept very private, again because of shame and because I believed I should have known better. It was an ER visit and the realization I didn’t want to let those closest to me down, that was the pivotal turning point.   

I knew I couldn’t face the journey alone, so I mustered the courage to reach out to a friend in recovery for help. I took time off of work, found counseling, and began the work of healing. So many people showed up for me. I also must recognize the privilege I experienced as a white cisgender male with a family support system in the Bay Area, something most of PRC’s clients do not have. Through these supports, I found a workplace that was inclusive and saw my ability to transcend difficult life experiences as an asset. I learned over time that you don’t graduate from self-growth.  

These experiences inspired me to want to help others. It’s so powerful to give back because you never know when it might actually save someone’s life.  

As I rebuilt my life and a new career in HR to create the same inclusive workplaces that helped me so much, I searched for additional ways to give back. I volunteered. But I wanted to more actively participate in bringing about positive change in San Francisco, especially for those with struggles similar to mine. So earlier this year, I joined PRC’s Board of Directors.    

PRC’s work resonates with me on a profound level. I have been so impressed by their continuum of services that meet people where they are:  

  • Low-barrier Hummingbird respite centers that present a safe space for people coming right off the street and linkage to additional care;  
  • Emergency financial assistance to preserve housing and medical care;  
  • Legal advocacy to secure and retain stable income and health insurance;  
  • 90-day residential treatment for mental illness and substance use;   
  • Supportive housing with individualized case management; 
  • Workforce development to get back to work from a disability; and,   
  • And by promoting and engaging in policy and advocacy to propel initiatives aimed at achieving health equity and fostering social justice.   

Together these programs lift up more than 5,000 individuals each year to a place of greater stability and more positive health and economic outcomes.  

We can’t do this work alone, however. We need donor support. As we near the end of the year, I ask that everyone reading this please consider making a year-end contribution today.

Your donation will:  

  • Provide lifesaving programs for those living with HIV/AIDS, mental illness, and substance use disorder;  
  • Offer integrated legal, social, and health services that address the broad range of social risk factors that impact wellness and limit potential; and, 
  • Help people affected by these challenges better realize opportunities and live healthier, happier lives.  

I’m also happy to announce a generous $10,000 match. With your help, we can raise $15,000 by December 31st, doubling the impact of your donation. 

Please give generously today by going to, or consider giving via your donor-advised fund if you have one to help PRC to change lives like mine for the better. Thank you for your consideration.  



  Michael Kyle  

PRC Board Member  


Online – End of Life Planning Presentation

PRC has teamed up with ALRP once again to present an important topic for many residents in San Francisco: End of Life Planning Presentation

Come learn more details about:

  • Advance Healthcare Directives, Simple Wills, and Power of Attorney
  • Learn the basics about estate planning, including will preparation
  • Get questions answered by an attorney

RSVP is required for this presentation. To RVSP, click on the link:


Funded by the San Francisco Department of Public Health and the Ryan White Care Act