Let’s Stop Slandering San Francisco’s Non-Profits

Joint Statement from the HIV/AIDS Provider Network

In recent months, local media and some politicians have been promoting the myth that nonprofits receiving grants from the City of San Francisco are mismanaged, bloated, inefficient, and “mired in scandal.” Sadly, this myth—and it is a myth—is taking hold in the public conscience.

That’s why PRC and the other 25 member organizations of the HIV/AIDS Provider Network (HAPN) are taking the unprecedented step of reaching out to all our supporters to set the record straight.

First, we want to stress that we embrace organizational and financial transparency; we welcome oversight from our partners in the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development, the Department of Health, the Department of Disability and Aging Services, the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, and others; and we are proud to report exactly how we spend every single city grant dollar. We are committed to fiscal responsibility and being responsible stewards of public funds, and we resent being lumped in with a few bad actors who clearly do not share these values.

The truth is that we provide exceptional services to residents of San Francisco effectively, efficiently, and are subject to extensive city oversight. These are facts those promoting this myth choose to ignore.

Here’s what we’ve accomplished in addressing HIV/AIDS in San Franciso. Even though our city has one of the highest proportions of residents living with HIV and one of the highest percentages of residents at risk for contracting the virus, the rate of new infections among LGBTQ residents here is dramatically lower than any other major city in the nation. Three-quarters (75%) of San Franciscans with HIV have suppressed their viral loads to the point where the virus cannot be transmitted, a much, much higher percentage than every other city in the country other than Seattle. More than nine in ten of those recently diagnosed with HIV are connected to care—that’s 12 percentage points higher than anywhere else. Preventing one HIV infection avoids $229,800 in medical costs alone; our collective efforts have prevented thousands of infections.

Moreover, all of this extraordinary progress has been accomplished with exceptional efficiency, even as city support over the years has not kept up with rising costs in any way, shape, or form. Contrary to the picture portrayed in the media, we are all working on shoestring budgets, no one could even imagine renting a fancy beachfront home for a retreat or even holding a retreat that isn’t dirt cheap, and each day presents new challenges in retaining/recruiting staff due to the low salaries and meager benefits we are able to offer (they are 20-50% lower than those afforded city employees doing similar work).

Finally, even though our city grants don’t begin to cover our overhead and administrative costs, we submit tons of data to our funders—most often on a monthly basis—showing exactly how we have spent our grant dollars, including the number of clients served, the hours involved, and specific services provided. If there are any discrepancies or we fall behind on our deliverables, we don’t get paid until every cent is accounted for or we submit a detailed corrective plan for moving forward. In addition, the city agencies from which we receive funds conduct formal, exhaustive performance reviews every two to three years and almost all of us retain an outside firm to conduct an annual audit of our finances, accounting practices, and internal controls. We surely don’t need even more burdensome reporting requirements.

So, dear friend of PRC, thank you for your support of our work. We hope it makes you proud!

PRC’s Mighty Real Fundraiser – An amazing achievement!

On Friday, October 4th, PRC’s Mighty Real fundraiser brought an unforgettable night of celebration, compassion, and community to The Pearl in San Francisco. With more than 200 attendees, the energy in the venue was electric as we embraced this year’s theme: Imagine | Inspire | Act. Thanks to our generous guests and supporters, we raised over $200,000 to support PRC’s life-changing services! 

Mighty Real Fundraiser rooftop reception

The evening began on the rooftop, where guests gathered to enjoy the rare San Francisco heat, taking in the views while connecting with fellow compassionate changemakers—many dressed fabulously to reflect their “Mighty Real” selves. Our extraordinary volunteers set the stage for the event, decorating the venue, welcoming and checking in guests, and playing a key role in several fundraising activations. 

One lucky guest who purchased a blinky ring raffle entry walked away with a treasure chest of luxury goods and experiences valued at over $7,500, including a signed guitar donated by our Spirits and Innovator Sponsor, Tito’s Handmade Vodka. Many others donated to our wine pull, leaving with a mystery bottle of wine for a game that blended fun and philanthropy. 

The live auction was full of excitement. It offered trips to Portugal and Puerto Vallarta, a year of dining at some of San Francisco’s finest restaurants, and framed and signed Golden State Warriors championship memorabilia

A special shout-out goes to Chevron, our largest supporter of the night, contributing an incredible $20,000 between their sponsorship and the Fund-a-Need match.

As the night moved into the main ballroom for dinner, our guests heard inspiring words from Master of Ceremonies Jon Moscone, Hostess Extraordinaire Donna Sachet, Mayor London Breed, Senator Scott Weiner, and PRC CEO Chuan Teng

This year’s awards recognized the incredible contributions of several honorees. Steven Ames Brown received the Sylvester Community Pillar Award for his tireless efforts to ensure that Sylvester’s and other artists’ royalties continue benefitting PRC and other nonprofits. Steven has also been instrumental in representing BIPOC musicians for decades, securing the royalties they deserve. 

Dr. Monica Gandhi was honored with the Vanguard Leadership Award for her pioneering contributions to HIV/AIDS medical advancements and her leadership as the Medical Director of Ward 86, one of the first dedicated HIV clinics in the U.S. Her work has been invaluable in removing stigma and providing compassionate care.

The Outstanding Corporate Partnership Award went to Marsh McLennan Agency, who has been a close partner to PRC, working alongside our People Experience team to provide staff with the best benefits. Their continued support, including securing a grant for PRC from the Barney and Barney Foundation, has been invaluable. 

A particularly memorable highlight of the evening came from Basil Martinez, a former PRC client and now PRC’s Workforce Development Program Coordinator. Basil captivated the audience with his powerful story of recovery, sharing the experiences that brought him to PRC. His honest recounting of setbacks and personal transformation moved everyone in the room, showing that with the right support, positive change is not only possible—it’s something we see and support at PRC every day. 

As the program wrapped up, guests hit the dance floor with tunes from DJ Adrian Loving, celebrating a night of incredible impact and opportunity for our clients. 

We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who helped make the night such a tremendous success, including PRC Board Members and Event Chairs Michael Niczyporuk and Darren Smith, our Mighty Real Committee members Colin Hartke, Phillip Keeling, Michael Kyle, Camellia Ngo Peabody and John Peabody, Brian Schneider, and Nichole Wiley, our generous sponsors and in-kind donors, our dedicated volunteers, and all who attended. Your support continues to make a real difference for the community we serve. 

Thank you for making this year’s Mighty Real a night to remember! 

Launching our Healing Spaces Initiative!

On Saturday, August 17th, a group of dedicated volunteers connected for a morning of community building and outdoor beautification. We came together and cleared out overgrown brush in the courtyard of Robertson Place, one of our rehabilitation program sites for San Franciscans living with mental illness and substance use disorders.

“This is therapy for me.” – Volunteer

As part of PRC’s Healing Spaces Initiative, this volunteer activation was more than just about clearing the courtyard. It was about our community uniting to create a sanctuary for clients to find serenity, healing, and renewal throughout their recovery journeys. One volunteer stated of the experience, “this is therapy for me.”

We know that the best healing occurs in nurturing environments. PRC’s Healing Spaces Initiative will enhance residential program spaces to promote healing through access to nature, inviting interior spaces, gentle movement, nourishing foods, and interconnectedness with community. Stay tuned for updates and further opportunities to engage with us!

Robertson Place Back Yard Revamped as part of PRC's Healing Spaces Initiative

We are deeply grateful for the compassion and commitment of our volunteers. Thank you for helping to transform this space – we couldn’t have done it without you!

In community, 

Chuan Teng, CEO 


Supporting Queer People and Their Futures

Throughout the month of June, PRC staff showed up with our LGBTQI+ community to support queer people and their futures. 

We kicked off the month by participating in the installation of The Pink Triangle to take a visible stance against hate. Our staff also mobilized at Trans March to affirm everyone’s right to exist freely and fabulously. We shared heartwarming connections with community members who reflected on the joy of seeing organizations spanning service sectors come together in support of trans liberation. At the end of the month, we had a blast marching alongside thousands of advocates at San Francisco’s Pride Parade.  

We also hosted a “Show Your Pride at Work” day, encouraging PRC staff to dress up and engage in meaningful hands-on activities, including decorating cupcakes using the myriad pride flags as design inspiration.   With more than half of our clients identifying as LGBTQI+, and many of PRC’s staff members using their own LGBTQI+ identities to motivate their service to their community, we call upon you —as allies and community members— to join us in uplifting LGBTQI+ community members alike beyond Pride month. 

Just some of the authentically joyous people who make our work here at PRC possible. From our community to yours, Happy Pride!

When HIV and AIDS ravaged our city in the 1980s, we came together to provide necessary services like emergency financial aid and legal advocacy. Today, our challenges may look different, but that spirit of togetherness remains the same.  

Thank you for joining us in serving our LGBTQI+ community members in the days and years ahead. Together, we stand against hate and stand for taking care of each other in loss, joy, and everything in between.   

In community, 

Chuan Teng, CEO  PRC

Mental Healthcare is Changing in California. Join Us in Changing it for the Better!

Mental health. Substance use. Homelessness. Solutions. Investment.
These words typify our experience as San Franciscans, Californians, as Americans. But how often to we push beyond the buzzwords and have meaningful dialogue about the real issues affecting our communities? When was the last time we heard from an expert about the work on the ground and solutions that are achievable for everyday people?

Hear what we all need to keep in mind as we consider how to get involved in solutions on mental health in our community.

We’re grateful to Manny’s for providing a platform for this kind of community-based dialogue last month, joining the California Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies for an important conversation on the changing nature of our state’s behavioral health system. Together, we unpacked recent legislation affecting organizations like PRC and talked through the many reasons to be hopeful in the face of frustration.

“This is an incredibly dynamic moment for Behavioral Health in San Francisco, and it will require the collective effort of our entire community to explore innovative solutions for the systemic changes we aspire to see. While our primary focus is serving our clients, we understand that we cannot do this in isolation. We are committed to serving our clients alongside community members, recognizing that social rehabilitation thrives within the context of community.” – Chuan Teng, PRC Chief Executive Officer

Here are the most important takeaways you need to know:

  1. There’s more energy and political will around behavioral health in halls of power across California than ever before. Just last year, there were more than 300 behavioral health bills introduced, shattering levels from previous legislative sessions. That enthusiasm for solutions is in and of itself, a good thing. 
  2. It’s important to keep conversations around public health and criminality separate. Unfortunately, we’re seeing these conversations conflated. People who use drugs aren’t universally experiencing homelessness. People without homes aren’t universally using drugs or living with mental illness. We should reject language that says otherwise. We need to prioritize getting people into treatment because it’s proven to work. 
  3. Ensuring that everyone has the behavioral healthcare they deserve isn’t the responsibility of the government or one stakeholder. It will take all of us, government leaders, public and private health sector, nonprofits and philanthropy, and the community, working together to get more people housed and more people in treatment.

Manny’s, located in the Mission, is a space where the community comes together to take part in civic and political life. Manny’s is a town hall, a village square, the place where anyone can meet and engage with civic leaders, elected officials, artists, activists, changemakers, and each other.

Save the Date for Mighty Real | Friday, October 4

Friday, October 4, 2024 | 6:30pm | The Pearl | 601 19th St

Please join PRC at our annual fundraiser Mighty Real as we celebrate our clients and the positive life changes they make every day through imagination, inspiration, and action. Over the course of one special evening, we invite you to join us on a journey. Imagine a better future for our community. Inspire ourselves to take part in meaningful change. Act to make our vision a reality!

Named after the signature song, “You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real),” of PRC’s patron saint and greatest benefactor, the larger than life “Queen of Disco,” Sylvester, PRC’s Mighty Real pays homage to the star who benefitted from PRC’s services and in turn gifted his future music royalties to PRC. In gratitude, we honor Sylvester through the namesake of our signature fundraising event of the year. 

Sponsorships and ticketsare now available.

What to Expect 

Cocktail Reception 

Mingle among three floors, including a rooftop deck with stunning views, at The Pearl, a modern yet eclectic venue based in the vibrant Dogpatch neighborhood and known for its industrial chic design and numerous engaging art installations.  

Please your taste buds with an array of delectable passed appetizers and libations. Try your luck in exciting fundraising activations include a wine wall and a “winner takes all” for a lavish collection of luxury goods and experiences. Take photos beside our fabulous, custom-made PRC logo step and repeat. Chat with PRC board members, staff, clients, and other esteemed guests while learning more about PRC’s life-transformative services.   

Seated Dinner 

Following the cocktail reception, we’ll gather in the main hall to savor an exquisite three-course meal courtesy of Carrie Dove Catering, fine wines, and an inspiring program led by the very talented and entertaining master of ceremonies Jonathan Moscone. 

Awards Ceremony 

Mighty Real wouldn’t be complete without awards honoring exceptional individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to improving the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS, mental health, and/or substance use issues.  

Live Auction & Paddle Raise 

This is a fundraiser after all! Our exciting, exhilarating, action-packed live auction will feature the ever popular Dine About Town experience, travel packages including a stay in Portugal, and more, all supporting PRC’s transformative programs. 

After Party 

Extend the celebration by staying for the after party. DJ Adrian Loving, noted DJ, entrepreneur, contemporary art and music historian, and visual artist will lead a live DJ set, including video projection material featuring Sylvester and related content highlighting DJ Adrian Loving’s works exploring androgyny, gender roles, fashion, and the sensationalism of style in 80’s pop music. 

 Host tickets at $250 and sponsorships starting at $750.

Black Leadership Council’s Advocacy Day

Imagine a California truly equitable for Black communities and individuals. Imagine the Black mother-to-be who can focus on her pregnancy without worrying about any adverse maternal outcomes. Imagine the Black child who has everything they need to excel in school, graduate, and move on to a meaningful career. Imagine the young Black couple with as much opportunity and access to own a home and pass it down to their children.

Advocacy Day 2023 left to right: Dr. LaWanda Wesley, Dr. MaryAnn Jones, Paul (in rear), Tomiquia Moss, Assemblymember Matt Haney, Shellena Eskridge, Tasha Henneman, Darris Young, Brett Andrews and Monet Boyd.

Enter the Black Leadership Council, an initiative of PRC, which convenes leaders from various fields across our great state to turn that hopefulness of Black prosperity into reality. One way we achieve that reality is through on-the-ground power building at our state’s capitol each Juneteenth. Our “Black in Action” Day of Advocacy brings together leaders from private and public sectors, from all racial backgrounds, urban and rural communities, and all walks of life, to address the systemic inequities preventing millions of Black Californians from the thriving lifestyles they so deserve.

Part of how we make Black prosperity a reality is to amplify the work and voices of leaders who have dedicated their lives to making California a place for all. We’ll take time to celebrate a handful of  California’s top leaders at our legislative luncheon. Please join us in recognizing the following changemakers for their invaluable contributions to communities across the state!

Exceptional Leadership Awardees

Tony Thurmond, California State Superintendent
For exceptional leadership and commitment to educational equity in California.

Shirley M. Weber, Ph.D., California Secretary of State
For exceptional and groundbreaking leadership in achieving Black Prosperity in California.

Dr. Flo Cofer, Community Advocate & Leader
For exceptional leadership in public health and championing health equity in California.

Next Generation Leadership Awardee

Tiyesha Watts, Legislative & Policy Advocate, California Academy of Family Physicians
Our Young Adult Award recognizes outstanding leadership and positive change in California.

Black Leadership Council Visionaries

Tomiquia Moss, Secretary, California Business, Consumer Services, and Housing Agency
Malia Cohen, California State Controller
For their instrumental foundational support for the BLC and overall leadership in California. (“Seeding Sisters” of the BLC)

Advocacy is a continuous journey, extending far beyond June 19th. We invite you to support the BLC’s ongoing efforts by sponsoring Advocacy Day or donating to help sustain our work. Your contribution plays a vital role in advancing our mission and creating meaningful change in our communities.

Celebrating Our Amazing People Experience Team (HR) During Staff Appreciation Month! 

As PRC nears the end of Staff Appreciation Month (SAM), we’d like to acknowledge that this celebration is only possible because of the positive efforts and creativity of our incredible People Experience (HR) team. They go above and beyond to ensure that everyone at PRC feels supported and valued. 

Our People Experience (PX) team is the driving force behind our vibrant culture. For SAM, they’ve created and implemented exciting prize games, procured delightful goodies, and planned meaningful gatherings, making every effort to show their appreciation for our collective hard work. 

However, their dedication extends far beyond these events. They work diligently to recruit and hire the best people to staff our social and residential treatment services, ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality of care. 

The PX team also designs and conducts comprehensive trainings and workshops, making sure all staff are properly equipped to provide PRC’s essential programs. PX’s commitment to managing benefits, crafting organizational guidelines and policies, supporting health and wellness, and infusing organizational values into our processes and workspaces is truly commendable. 

We owe so much to our PX team for their tireless efforts to make PRC an exceptional place to work. Please join us in expressing our heartfelt gratitude for everything they do to create a supportive and dynamic workplace. 

Thank you, PX team, for being simply the best! 

Celebrating the backbone of PRC: our Finance Team

As PRC continues to celebrate May as Staff Appreciation Month, we recognize our phenomenal Finance team. They are experts in fiscal management and the glue holding PRC together.  

With meticulous attention to detail and unwavering devotion, our Finance team guides the smooth functioning of our organization in more ways than one. They navigate the complexities of reimbursements for more than 40 public contracts so our services are provided without disruption, while delivering the greatest impact. They manage expenses, reimbursements, and payroll for more than 200 employees, and support necessary compliance, all while exemplifying professionalism and expertise at every turn. 

Our Finance team’s diligence ensures that resources are allocated efficiently so our 7 residential treatment facilities, 22 Co-op residences, 2 Hummingbird low barrier access centers, and our Integrated Services Center can perform the crucial services each provides. Their efforts empower each department and program to fulfill their mission, helping over 5,000 clients annually to thrive. 

We are thrilled to recognize our Finance team for the invaluable part they play in our collective success. Their hard work often operates behind the scenes, but their impact reverberates throughout our organization. 

Please join PRC in extending our gratitude to the Finance team for their exceptional contributions and acknowledge the vital role they play in making a direct and lasting impact on our clients’ lives. 

P.S. Learn more about PRC’s incredible staff on our Instagram stories (click the Our Team icon). Follow us and share the important work we are doing far and wide!

PRC’s Black Leadership Council hosts its third annual Advocacy Day

We are excited to share that PRC’s Black Leadership Council (BLC) is gearing up for its third annual day of action in Sacramento on Juneteenth. This is a prime opportunity for the BLC and community members to nurture, build, and foster relationships and collaborations with key policy makers and state leaders, for the long-term success of our advocacy efforts.

Community leaders are empowered to be effective advocates for change. By sharing their personal stories, experiences, and expertise, they engage in a day of impactful dialogue, collaborative problem-solving, and collective action. This not only amplifies the voices of those directly affected by the issues we care about but also fosters a sense of solidarity and shared purpose among participants. 

Advocacy Day 2022 left to right: Dr. LaWanda Wesley, Assemblymember Lori Wilson, Nichelle Kitt (back), Tasha Henneman, Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer, Tamara Rasberry

The BLC is an initiative of PRC’s, formed in 2019, in response to the release of the 2018 Black/African American Health report developed by the SF Health Department. The report motivated a group of Black San Francisco leaders to convene strategies to address the alarming health disparities disproportionately affecting the Black community, highlighting stark discrepancies in access to quality healthcare, prevalence of chronic diseases, and life expectancy. These findings underscore the urgent need for targeted interventions, systemic reforms, and equitable policies to address the root causes of these disparities and ensure health equity for all populations.  

In 2020, following the murder of George Floyd, the BLC opted for a more comprehensive approach to action, centering on statewide reform. They formulated a Black prosperity agenda that includes four key policy areas: health, wealth, housing, and education.

To date, the BLC has hosted several community trainings and educational forums and is co-sponsoring two bills this year: 

AB 2250 (Weber) – this bill seeks to improve access to social determinants of health (SDOH) screenings and community navigation services by requiring health plans and insurers to pay for screening for SDOH, and to provide access to community health workers, promotores, representatives, peer support specialist, lay health workers, and social workers.   

AB 2465 (Gibson) – this bill seeks to level the playing field by requiring specific state agencies to implement equity in a specific set of grant programs where people of color and diverse-led organizations are underrepresented or non-existent.  Both bills are in Appropriation committees, so we have been ramping up and mobilizing our advocacy efforts to ensure they receive the necessary funding and support to move forward. The BLC is also supporting over 30 additional bills.

Advocacy Day 2022 left to right: Denise Green, Ryan White, Dr. Dr. LaWanda Wesley, Nenaji Jackson, (back row) Adrian Mohamad, Toni Newman, Darryl Lucien, Tasha Henneman, Tamara Rasberry, Senator Bradford, Senator Wiener, Assemblymember Gibson, Christopher Whitmore

This year’s Advocacy Day on June 19th promises to be an exhilarating day of action and education for participants and all involved, culminating in a legislative awards reception honoring some of the state’s most esteemed leaders and celebrating Juneteenth.  

Advocacy is a continuous journey, extending far beyond June 19th. We invite you to support the BLC’s ongoing efforts by sponsoring Advocacy Day or donating to help sustain our work. Your contribution plays a vital role in advancing our mission and creating meaningful change in our communities.