How to Challenge and Prevent Social Security Overpayments – In-Person Event

PRC to present the in-person event, How to Challenge and Prevent Social Security Overpayments presentation with Lynnette Baclig, Esq. from the AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP).

The presentation will cover:

  • SSI and SSDI overpayments
  • Common reasons for overpayments
  • Challenge and prevent overpayments

This presentation is free and open to the public; however, advanced RSVP is required.

To RVSP for this presentation, click  and follow the directions to register.

For questions or more information, contact Dawn Evinger at [email protected].

Working While Receiving Disability Benefits Workshop – Online

This workshop is in-person for people receiving SSI and/or SSDI and working or planning to return to work.

Learn about how working affects eligibility to receive disability income, how to avoid costly pitfalls, and what to do if you receive an overpayment.

This workshop is free and open to the public; however, RSVP is required by September 28, 2023, at 8:00 am.  Please only register once to allow others to attend.

To RVSP for this workshop, click and follow the directions to register.


PRC’s Open House was an Incredible Success

PRC’s Open House on Wednesday, September 13th, was an incredible and interactive display of our life-changing services. The energy in the building was electric thanks to our community of fellow change-makers.

Our goal was to show guests the breadth of our services, our dedicated program staff, and the spaces where these life-changing experiences take place. We shared client profiles to reflect many of the real-life situations our clients face, and curated experiences displayed the dedication and empathy our clients receive through our Workforce Development, Legal Advocacy, Emergency Financial Assistance, Black Transgender Initiative, Residential treatment, and Co-Op programs, as well as our policy work through the Black Leadership Council and resources and trainings though the San Francisco HIV Frontline Organizing Group.

One highlight of the evening was the unveiling of an art piece (pictured above) recognizing longtime PRC volunteers Gary Virginia and Donna Sachet. For more than 25 years, this duo has worked tirelessly to produce their namesake Pride Brunch event benefiting PRC and raised more than $650,000 in net proceeds since its inception in 1999. The aforementioned art piece will be permanently and prominently displayed at PRC’s Integrated Service Center.  

We’ve gotten such positive feedback from our guests about this unique opportunity to experience PRC’s transformational programs and the incredible individuals providing them. We hope this isn’t our last open house and you’ll join us for this or a tour of our facilities.

Other ways you can get involved: Donate if you can. Come to our November 9 Mighty Real Gala. Tickets go on sale later this week! Have your employer match your donation or sponsor our gala or recommend us for a grant.

Also, spread the word! The more people who know about PRC, the greater impact we can have on transforming the lives of San Franciscans in need. Introduce your friends to PRC by forwarding this email or sharing via our social channels. They’re linked below. Urge your policymakers to expand support for behavioral health services so that we can help even more people.

It’s our city. Each one of us plays a part in making it the beautifully diverse and inclusive place we call home. When we work together, anything is possible.

In community,

In-Person – Working While Receiving Disability Benefits Workshop

This workshop is in-person for people receiving SSI and/or SSDI and working or planning to return to work.

Learn about how working affects eligibility to receive disability income, how to avoid costly pitfalls, and what to do if you receive an overpayment.

This workshop is free and open to the public; however, RSVP is required by August 31, 2023, at 8:00 am.  Please only register once to allow others to attend.

To RVSP for this workshop, click and follow the directions to register.

An update from PRC CEO Chuan Teng

Dear Friend,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. For PRC, the past ten months have been a dynamic time of transformation, one in which we have become a stronger, more resilient, and more effective organization. As we embark upon the new fiscal year, I am pleased to report on the progress we have achieved and share exciting opportunities in the year ahead.

Strengthened Financial Condition 
Since last fall, PRC has undergone an ambitious endeavor to strengthen the organization’s financial condition. In this pursuit, we have scrutinized expenses, renegotiated leases and vendor contracts, and reduced costs wherever possible. In January 2023, we completed the successful transfers of two under-utilized and under-funded residential programs to another provider. These transfers completed the organization’s planned restructuring and also significantly simplified operations and reduced overall expenses.

Importantly, the savings we achieved were realized without reducing staff salaries. In fact, last March, we implemented a 4% salary increase for all staff except for select executive leaders. The organization will continue to make critical investments that prioritize staff compensation to address sector-wide staffing shortages and uphold its commitment to fair and competitive wages.

Completed Financial Analysis and Sustainability Plan
With help from the City Controller’s Office, PRC completed a detailed financial analysis of the organization and its programs. Based on this analysis, we partnered with our largest funder, the San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH), to correct long-standing, underfunded contracts. We also developed a financial sustainability plan to establish a sustainable, cost-neutral organizational model to deliver the most critical behavioral health and social services programs for people affected by HIV, substance use, or mental health issues in San Francisco.

Grew Capacity for Finance, Operations, and Compliance
Over the past several months, PRC received several capacity-building grants to enhance functions within its finance and operations departments. Important investments were made to hire a new Real Estate Asset Manager, Director of Contract Compliance and Data Systems, and a seasoned Consulting Chief Financial Officer with over two decades of experience working for the City and County of San Francisco. As a result of these investments, the organization has developed and implemented a new contract management database, initiated the upgrade of its financial management system to Sage Intacct, and completed capital needs assessments for the majority of its properties.  

Transformed Lives
Amidst all of this progress, PRC continues to empower 5,000 people annually to create positive transformation in their lives through housing, mental health, and substance use treatment, legal advocacy, workforce development, and emergency financial assistance. Additionally, PRC through the Black Leadership Council, continues to advance health equity policies and is co-sponsoring their first bill AB 85 (Weber), which will require health plans to include coverage for social determinants of health screenings, as well as other policies that advance health, wealth, housing, and education for Black and low-income communities of color.

We recently released our 2021/22 annual impact report, which not only demonstrates the effectiveness of our programs but also captures beautiful client stories and reflects our collective effort.

Opportunities Ahead
In the year ahead, PRC is undertaking several new initiatives, including growing its housing navigation services and diversifying funding streams through new revenues from the state and private institutions. We believe these changes are necessary to respond to the humanitarian crisis of homelessness, adapt to state-wide behavioral health policy reforms, as well as ensure long-term organizational sustainability. As always, we will guide strategic decision-making with the goal of improving client experience and creating greater community impact.
We are in a much better, stronger, and more effective place than we were last fall, all due to the hard work of our dedicated staff and board members – we’re thrilled to announce a new appointment with Tamarah Prevost, Partner at Cotchett Pitre & McCarthy LLP – as well as the commitment of our partners and the generous support of our community. We cannot say thank you enough.

In gratitude,

Chuan Teng

Working While Receiving Disability Benefits Workshop – Online

This workshop is online only for people receiving SSI and/or SSDI and working or planning to return to work.

Learn about how working affects eligibility to receive disability income, how to avoid costly pitfalls, and what to do if you receive an overpayment.

This workshop is free and open to the public; however, RSVP is required by July 27, 2023, at 8:00 am.  Please only register once to allow others to attend.

To RVSP for this workshop, click and follow the directions to register.


A note from Gary Virginia and Donna Sachet

Dear Friend,

Our 25th annual Pride Brunch on Saturday, June 24, was a huge success! A record-breaking 350 guests attended, net proceeds of $78,000 exceeded all previous years, and every SF Pride Community Grand Marshal spoke passionately to our attendees. The Westin St. Francis Hotel in Union Square came alive with colorful decor, lively entertainment, hosted bars from Tito’s Handmade Vodka and Korbel, a delicious seated brunch, and a meaningful program augmented by comments from Mayor London Breed, State Senator Scott Wiener, and Assemblymember Matt Haney. If you missed it, our photo gallery and other photos on social media reveal why so many people call this their favorite SF Pride event.

We are so proud that what began as a grassroots opportunity for our community to gather during Pride weekend and raise funds for PRC, has developed into a highly anticipated, must-attend event. While still preserving the fun and surprises for which we are known, this year’s benefit also recognized 12 Legacy Partners, friends who contributed to the success of Pride Brunch over many years.

We appreciate our generous financial sponsors, the donors to the raffle and auction, those who bought raffle tickets and bid enthusiastically, and every single person who chose to support Pride Brunch with their attendance or donations. Our team of volunteers and PRC staff juggled many responsibilities
and dedicated hours to this year’s success. We are still floating on air from the many compliments we’ve received and accept them on behalf of everyone who made this a record year.

We thank all who participated for helping us raise more than $645,000 in net proceeds since 1999 to support the life-changing work of PRC.


Gary Virginia & Donna Sachet
Co-Founders, Pride Brunch

Hover your cursor on the image above then click the right/left arrows to view the curated photo gallery

The full gallery of photos taken by the talented Sonya Abrams and Vita Hewitt can be viewed here.

Canceled – The Basics of Immigration Law – Online

This workshop is online only for people who want to learn The Basics of Immigration Law

  • What Public Benefits Are Available Based On Immigration Status
  • How Public Benefits May Affect Public Charge Determinations



Working While Receiving Disability Benefits Workshop – In-Person

This workshop is in-person for people receiving SSI and/or SSDI and working or planning to return to work.

Learn about how working affects eligibility to receive disability income, how to avoid costly pitfalls, and what to do if you receive an overpayment.

This workshop is free and open to the public; however, space is limited, and RSVP is required by June 29, 2023, at 8:00 am.  Please only register once to allow others to attend.

To RVSP for this workshop, click and follow the directions to register.

Fair Housing For People with Disabilities Virtual Presentation

This presentation is virtual for people living with disabilities, their caregivers, case managers, and providers.

Learn about:

  • How Fair Housing Laws work to “level the playing” field for tenants with disabilities
  • Reasonable Accommodations and modifications
    • Ex: emotional support animals, changing rental due dates, etc.
    • Ex: widening doorways, adding/removing carpet for those with mobility impairments, etc.)
  • When and how to request a Reasonable Accommodation in housing
  • Options for disabled tenants if their Landlord fails to accommodate their disability

This presentation is free and open to the public; however, registration is required.

To register go to this link: