PRC’s Black Leadership Council hosts its third annual Advocacy Day

We are excited to share that PRC’s Black Leadership Council (BLC) is gearing up for its third annual day of action in Sacramento on Juneteenth. This is a prime opportunity for the BLC and community members to nurture, build, and foster relationships and collaborations with key policy makers and state leaders, for the long-term success of our advocacy efforts.

Community leaders are empowered to be effective advocates for change. By sharing their personal stories, experiences, and expertise, they engage in a day of impactful dialogue, collaborative problem-solving, and collective action. This not only amplifies the voices of those directly affected by the issues we care about but also fosters a sense of solidarity and shared purpose among participants. 

Advocacy Day 2022 left to right: Dr. LaWanda Wesley, Assemblymember Lori Wilson, Nichelle Kitt (back), Tasha Henneman, Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer, Tamara Rasberry

The BLC is an initiative of PRC’s, formed in 2019, in response to the release of the 2018 Black/African American Health report developed by the SF Health Department. The report motivated a group of Black San Francisco leaders to convene strategies to address the alarming health disparities disproportionately affecting the Black community, highlighting stark discrepancies in access to quality healthcare, prevalence of chronic diseases, and life expectancy. These findings underscore the urgent need for targeted interventions, systemic reforms, and equitable policies to address the root causes of these disparities and ensure health equity for all populations.  

In 2020, following the murder of George Floyd, the BLC opted for a more comprehensive approach to action, centering on statewide reform. They formulated a Black prosperity agenda that includes four key policy areas: health, wealth, housing, and education.

To date, the BLC has hosted several community trainings and educational forums and is co-sponsoring two bills this year: 

AB 2250 (Weber) – this bill seeks to improve access to social determinants of health (SDOH) screenings and community navigation services by requiring health plans and insurers to pay for screening for SDOH, and to provide access to community health workers, promotores, representatives, peer support specialist, lay health workers, and social workers.   

AB 2465 (Gibson) – this bill seeks to level the playing field by requiring specific state agencies to implement equity in a specific set of grant programs where people of color and diverse-led organizations are underrepresented or non-existent.  Both bills are in Appropriation committees, so we have been ramping up and mobilizing our advocacy efforts to ensure they receive the necessary funding and support to move forward. The BLC is also supporting over 30 additional bills.

Advocacy Day 2022 left to right: Denise Green, Ryan White, Dr. Dr. LaWanda Wesley, Nenaji Jackson, (back row) Adrian Mohamad, Toni Newman, Darryl Lucien, Tasha Henneman, Tamara Rasberry, Senator Bradford, Senator Wiener, Assemblymember Gibson, Christopher Whitmore

This year’s Advocacy Day on June 19th promises to be an exhilarating day of action and education for participants and all involved, culminating in a legislative awards reception honoring some of the state’s most esteemed leaders and celebrating Juneteenth.  

Advocacy is a continuous journey, extending far beyond June 19th. We invite you to support the BLC’s ongoing efforts by sponsoring Advocacy Day or donating to help sustain our work. Your contribution plays a vital role in advancing our mission and creating meaningful change in our communities.

Celebrating our unsung superheroes: the Facilities Team

As we continue celebrating May as PRC’s Staff Appreciation Month, we’d like to take some time to recognize some of the unsung superheroes of our organization: the Facilities team. While their work often goes unnoticed, their contributions are indispensable in ensuring the smooth functioning of our residences and properties where our services are provided. 

Beyond the routine tasks of maintenance and repairs at 7 residential treatment facilities, 22 Co-op residences, 2 Hummingbird low barrier access centers, and our Integrated Services Center;  our Facilities team plays a pivotal role in overseeing capital improvements and related grants. They maintain robust property management software ensuring that our clients’ needs are met promptly and efficiently, contributing significantly to their overall well-being.

They are the architects behind the scenes, crafting healing spaces that not only foster a sense of home but also provide safe environments for clients to develop essential social and independent living skills.

The Facilities team embodies the spirit of service and commitment that defines PRC. They are the backbone of our organization, tirelessly working to create environments where our clients can thrive. Their passion, dedication, and hard work are an essential component of the driving force behind the success of our mission. 

As we celebrate Staff Appreciation Month, join us in recognizing and applauding the relentless efforts of our Facilities team. 

P.S. Learn more about PRC’s incredible staff on our Instagram stories (click the Our Team icon). Follow us and share the important work we are doing far and wide!

If you would like to donate food or items to support PRC’s Staff Appreciation Month, contact Greg Perez, Managing Director of People Experience,
at [email protected].

Celebrating Superheroes, our staff!

May is a special time of year for us at PRC when we celebrate the real-life superheroes among us: our staff.  

Just like the caped crusaders of comic book lore, our team is committed to uplifting the lives of thousands of individuals facing adversity. With unwavering dedication, they navigate the complex landscapes of homelessness, mental health, substance use disorders, disability benefits, and workforce training to empower our clients to transform their lives for the better.

Our staff are the champions of PRC’s mission, infusing each and every interaction with boundless compassion, wholeheartedness, and genuine selflessness to uplift others.

This is why we dedicate an entire month to showing our appreciation and shining a spotlight on the unsung heroes of PRC. Join us as we celebrate the heroes of humanity, those who make a difference one act of kindness at a time. 

Today we’re highlighting Jeremias Vasquez, a trainer in our Workforce Development department. At our recent Open House, Jeremias delivered a powerful spoken word performance capturing the essence of our mission. His words resonated deeply, reminding us of the power of empathy and the importance of support.

Click to watch Jeremias Vasquez present his spoken word at PRC’s Open House, on Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Jeremias’s story and performance embody the spirit of resilience and hope that defines PRC. Through his journey of healing and growth, he seeks to break the cycle of hardship for future generations. His commitment to service inspires us all.

Check out Jeremias’s book “the past to Freedom.”

As we continue our mission of empowering individuals and strengthening communities, let us extend our heartfelt appreciation to Jeremias and every member of our team who works tirelessly to create positive change. 

In Community, 


P.S. Learn more about PRC’s incredible staff on our Instagram profile (click the Our Team icon). Follow us and share the important work we’re doing far and wide!

If you would like to donate food or items to support PRC’s Staff Appreciation Month, contact Greg Perez, Managing Director of People Experience, at [email protected].

Working While Receiving Disability Benefits Workshop – Online

This workshop is online only for people receiving SSI and/or SSDI and working or planning to return to work.

Learn about how working affects eligibility to receive disability income, how to avoid costly pitfalls, and what to do if you receive an overpayment. This workshop is free and open to the public; however, RSVP is required.

Check back closer to the date for RSVP information



Gary and Donna Retire Pride Brunch After 25 Amazing Years

Dear Friends,

Twenty-five years ago, we started Pride Brunch with the late Chef Rusty Gaspard at Stars restaurant as an opportunity for our community to gather during Pride weekend and raise funds for PRC (formerly Positive Resource Center). It quickly grew to an immensely popular official Pride event and significant fundraiser for PRC, honoring the Grand Marshals of the Pride Parade and offering them a rare opportunity to share some remarks with the public.

2023 set new records with 350 guests, net proceeds of $78,000, and passionate remarks from every SF Pride Community Grand Marshal. The Westin St. Francis Hotel in Union Square came alive with colorful decor, lively entertainment, hosted bars from Tito’s Handmade Vodka and Korbel, a delicious seated brunch, and a meaningful program augmented by comments from Mayor London Breed, State Senator Scott Wiener, and Assemblymember Matt Haney. In addition, we recognized 12 Legacy Partners, friends who contributed to the success of Pride Brunch over many years.

After careful consideration, we have decided to end this 25-year run with that successful 2023 event. As event expenses continue to climb, we find it increasingly difficult to keep ticket prices at a reasonable level for everyone. We want all our friends to be able to attend, regardless of their personal financial situation. In addition, the tremendous time, energy, and volunteer assistance needed for such a large event has eclipsed our resources.

We are so grateful to our generous financial sponsors, donors to the raffle and auction, those who bought raffle tickets and bid enthusiastically, and every single person who chose to support Pride Brunch with their attendance, donations, and volunteer hours. It is only with your help that Gary Virginia & Donna Sachet’s Pride Brunch has raised more than $645,000 in net proceeds since 1999 to support the life-changing work of PRC. We know how many
events and causes vie for your attention and we deeply appreciate your choice to include our event in your SF Pride plans.

To be clear, we will continue to serve on the Advisory Board of PRC and support PRC as before and we encourage you to do the same. If this decision leaves you wondering how to show your support for PRC, please consider the annual Mighty Real Fundraiser, Bare Chest Calendar, and Songs of the Season, among many other opportunities.

Thank you again for 25 years of generosity, community, and celebration. We consider ourselves very fortunate to live in San Francisco and to have your support.


Gary Virginia & Donna Sachet
Co-Founders, Pride Brunch

Join Charles and Gary in spreading support and joy.

We recently had the honor of meeting Charles and Gary, a remarkable couple who hope to amplify the profound impact that PRC has within our community. Charles came to PRC many years ago seeking assistance and shared his story of resilience, hope, and the transformative power of support.

Charles moved to San Francisco in 1979 on a quest for liberation, self-discovery, and to live freely as his true Self. He volunteered as a gay advocate with Citizens United Against Violence and as a street monitor during the Halloween festivals on Castro Street which he found to be fun and rewarding. Discovering his HIV-positive status in 1985 came as quite a shock and he discovered the daunting challenges he faced without adequate insurance coverage for HIV medications in those uncertain times.

While successful in a corporate day job, learning of his HIV status combined with feeling burnt out made Charles rethink what he truly wanted out of life. In his search for a change, he was guided to PRC. Charles credits PRC for providing the tools to help him process the trauma of contracting HIV, helping him reinvent himself and approach a new job market, and how to navigate the changes. He also credits the buying clubs for providing a lifeline to access vital HIV medications at affordable prices.

Charles’s search eventually led him to do voiceovers for the Network for Good’s call-in line and the National Radio Project. While working for the Network for Good he provided nearly free online fundraising services for nonprofits and remained in the field until after the passing of his longtime sweetheart Russel and then his retirement.

“The sessions I attended at PRC were very useful for helping me to really figure out my direction and to just survive. I continued working a corporate for a few years and then I moved over to the Network for Good where I spent the rest of my career. At the outset, I was working with a company called Ground Spring which was part of the Tides Foundation and then later merged with Network for Good. Now that I’ve retired, I want to give back. And I’m really excited about the ability to do stuff for PRC.”

Fast forward a few years, Charles and Gary met through a social meet-up group and are enjoying their life together here in San Francisco. Sharing a desire to bring positivity into the world, they’ve embarked on a mission to support PRC and encourage others to do the same. They understand firsthand the vital role PRC plays in providing resources and support to individuals like Charles.

Their commitment to our cause extends beyond their own experiences. Through their podcast, BayLyts, they share short episodes of their experiences in San Francisco that seek to foster community and laughter, bridging divides and spreading joy. They even talk about a recent visit to PRC’s Integrated Services Center in episode #2. We highly recommend giving them a listen.

We invite you to join Charles and Gary in supporting PRC. Your contribution can make a tangible difference in helping PRC to continue offering life-changing services to those affected by HIV/AIDS, mental health, and substance use, through providing hope, resources, residential treatment, and a path to a brighter future.

Working While Receiving Disability Benefits Workshop – In-Person

This workshop is in-person for people receiving SSI and/or SSDI and working or planning to return to work.

Learn about how working affects eligibility to receive disability income, how to avoid costly pitfalls, and what to do if you receive an overpayment. This workshop is free and open to the public; however, RSVP is required.

Check back closer to the date for RSVP information


Every success story at PRC reinforces our belief that compassion should prevail over judgment and that individuals facing prolonged hardship should not be stigmatized or denied help over temporary emotional displays.  

We recently witnessed the powerful transformation of a client referred to Robertson Place, who, despite a history of strong emotions and behaviors, thrived there.  

Our dedicated and supportive residential counselors know the importance of looking past emotion and leading with compassion. They understand the metaphorical armor our clients acquire from being chronically unhoused and the compounded effects of substance use disorder. Whereas some may see a lost cause, our staff see a person deserving of help, and they know how to guide them on the right track.    
By more positively communicating his emotions and embracing the process, our client not only successfully completed the 90-day treatment, but he also secured housing, enrolled in school, and established strong community connections for ongoing support. His words resonate deeply:

“I feel like I’m starting a new life.”  

At PRC, we believe in providing individuals with the support they need to flourish and we’re asking you to join us.

Be a part of Hope, Grow, Thrive, PRC’s Spring fundraising appeal.

Through April 3 all donations will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000 thanks to our board match, doubling your impact. 

Individuals with mental health and substance use disorders can and do recover.

PRC helps people re-discover hope, and reimagine life and provides programs to help transform their dreams into reality.   

This is why we invite you to be part of Hope, Grow, Thrive, PRC’s board match fundraising appeal focused on turning moments of crisis into opportunities for growth and recovery. 

Recently, we helped a particular client who was experiencing homelessness and substance use disorder at our Hummingbird Center. His struggles with impulse control and frustration often led to outbursts towards others. Through dedicated one-on-one support, our counselors helped him reshape his reactions, identify and vocalize his emotions, and use therapeutic techniques for regulation. He learned to shift his fight-or-flight reactions to healthy coping mechanisms and this time he chose not to leave. 

While receiving care at Hummingbird Place, he cultivated supportive relationships and independent living skills and progressed to one of our specialized residential care programs. His journey showcases the profound impact of harm-reduction strategies combined with patience and the desire to change. 

PRC Baker Places empowers individuals to break free from cycles of despair and build hopeful futures.  

Please join us in making stories like this possible. Through April 3, your donation will have twice the impact thanks to our board match. Together, we can provide hope, healing, and the chance for a brighter tomorrow.

Everyone, regardless of circumstance, deserves a home, not just a shelter, but a space that provides security, offers a place to grow, and nurtures the human spirit. 

That’s why we’re launching Hope, Grow, Thrive — PRC’s spring appeal with a focus on our client success stories. We’re also thrilled to announce a generous match by two members of our Board of Directors that will match your contribution dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000 between now and culminating at our Open House – see below for details – on April 3! 

Last month, PRC supported a family of five with move-in assistance through our Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA) program. After living from shelter to shelter without privacy, they were doing their best to stay positive and united as a family. With the father unemployed and the mother working part-time, they were able to secure a Section 8 housing voucher. However, they needed help with the required security deposit.  

That’s where PRC stepped in. Partnering with one of our sister organizations, we provided the required security deposit that transformed this family’s dreams of stability into reality — access to a home they could call their own.    

When you support PRC, your contribution isn’t just a donation. It’s a lifeline for individuals and families striving for a better future. Join us to make a difference.

Donate today through our April 3 deadline, and your donation will have twice the impact thanks to our board match.

P.S. We invite you to meet the people providing these life-changing services in the building where compassion and support take place. Join us at PRC’s Integrated Services Center for our Open House on Wednesday, April 3, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm.