“Those little moments when you realize that you were a part of this client’s meaningful change, there’s no better feeling than that.”  

For decades, AIDS Emergency Fund (AEF), the predecessor to PRC’s Emergency Financial Assistance (EFA), was guided by the expertise of Lee Harrington (will link to Lee’s blog post), who retired in December 2021 after more than 24 years in the role. Before he left, however, Lee single-handedly chose his successors to ensure that the program’s […]

A Letter from PRC CEO Brett Andrews

As we mark the end of our 2021-22 fiscal year – and what a year it has been – I can’t help taking stock of all that we have accomplished together, most recently a fabulously successful, in-person (for the first time in three years!) Pride Brunch, as well as some tremendous new sources of funding […]

Alisa Jackson, An Advocate for All!

“I get to see clients grow, access benefits, find housing, and become stable. It’s been really gratifying to work for PRC this long.”  For many of PRC’s clients, Alisa Jackson is the first person they interact with on their quest for support. Having advocated for herself and countless others for nearly two decades, she’s appropriately […]

The Black Leadership Council – A Year in Review

BLC Members Left to RightTop Row | Kelly Dearman, Chris Brown, Micah Thomas, Ernest Hopkins, Dr. Diane JohnsonMiddle Row | Charles Chip McNeal, Nicole Lindler, Brett Andrews, Tomiquia Moss, Al Gilbert FeltonBottom Row | James Loyce, Toni Newman, Sarah Tiffany-Richardson, Tasha Henneman, Dr. MaryAnn Jones What was PRC CEO Brett Andrews to do when he […]

Jasmine Conley is a success story in the making

It’s not every day that one of PRC’s former clients comes out the other end to join the staff. But that’s just what Jasmine Conley did when she recently accepted a role within Workforce Development’s newly launched Black Trans Initiative. This two-year project funded by the City’s Dream Keeper Initiative reallocates resources toward technical assistance […]

“This can be one of the most important roles we play in someone’s life.”

To say that we’re fortunate to have Joe Ramirez-Forcier managing PRC’s Workforce Development Program would be a massive understatement. His compassion and work ethic goes above and beyond as he navigates the complex situations many of our clients face, and he does this with an incredibly welcoming smile and a calming demeanor. We sat down […]

“PRC fundamentally changed my life for the better.”

David can personally attest to what an impact PRC has on the lives of those who really need the help. “I will never forget how PRC helped me during some of my darkest days. They supported me, and it fundamentally changed my life for the better. How, you may ask? It was January 2000. I […]

“It can change people’s lives if we can get them housed and stable, or keep them from getting evicted. Then it’s not such a futile effort.” Lee Harrington, Director of Client Services, Emergency Financial Assistance, PRC

It’s been more than 40 years since the beginning of the AIDS pandemic that swept through the gay community. AIDS Emergency Fund (AEF) was founded in 1982 out of the community’s deep desire to do something to help their friends, partners, and family through these scary and uncertain times. They did this by providing emergency […]