PRC Board Member and Gala Chair Merredith Treaster on what inspires her

PRC Board Member and Gala Chair Merredith Treaster on stage at the Mighty Real Gala with PRC CEO Brett Andrews. Earlier this month, PRC Board Member and Gala Chair Merredith Treaster took to the stage at PRC’s Mighty Real Gala to share what inspired her to join PRC’s volunteer leadership. Four years ago, when her […]

PRC Proudly Sees the Bare Chest Calendar Become Independent

Each year, PRC honors an organization at its Mighty Real Gala that has been instrumental in helping PRC significantly advance its mission. No partner has done nearly as much as Bare Chest Calendar over the years to advocate and raise funds for PRC and its essential services for those most in need. That is why […]

An Advocate for our Clients

“It’s got to be terrifying for somebody to be sitting on the other side of the desk from me, a stranger, asking all kinds of very personal questions. Time is of the essence with this work. If I don’t get a given item completed and filed, then it doesn’t happen for that client and there’s […]

Everyone’s Got to Start Somewhere

“PRC’s Next Step program is the best place for clients to get that first experience with the computer mouse, with the keys, with the screen, and gain at least these minimum skills. We’ll look after them, and we’ll keep them from running and screaming from the building in the process, or throwing the computer on […]

“I’m really grateful to be a part of PRC.”

“I’m really grateful to be a part of PRC.” Troy has had six hip replacements, both shoulders replaced, both knees replaced, three neck surgeries, two back surgeries, a blood clot in his left calf, and severe arthritis in his right foot, ankles, hands, and most recently his neck and shoulders. Some days it feels like it’s enough just to keep his body together but that’s not enough for Troy.

“When I know of other people struggling, I let them know about PRC.”

Sonia was a healthy mother of five when one day a piece of candy got stuck in her throat and changed her life forever. The cuts she incurred prompted a visit to a specialist that was inconclusive. However, when Sonia couldn’t eat and began dramatically losing weight, she advocated for an MRI that showed she had an aneurism, a bulge, like a bubble, caused by a weak spot on a blood vessel wall in her brain. It was unrelated to the throat lacerations but would have gone undetected and untreated if not for that fateful piece of candy.

“Your donation to PRC will change lives. It changed mine.”

Calvin first learned about PRC during a chance meeting with PRC Employment Specialist Lauren Vega while volunteering at the Castro Country Club, a clean and sober gathering place for the LGBTQ recovery community. Lauren had been seeing clients there and suggested PRC’s LiftUp SF career pathway training program to Calvin. A big believer in things happening for a reason, Calvin decided to give it a shot. He’s so glad he did.

“PRC has been transformational for me.”

At her lowest point, Alana was experiencing major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychosis, and a lack of self-esteem. She was feeling suicidal and struggling with a drug addiction, a harmful relationship, and chronic homelessness, all further complicated by being a transgender woman.