Celebrating Our Amazing People Experience Team (HR) During Staff Appreciation Month! 

As PRC nears the end of Staff Appreciation Month (SAM), we’d like to acknowledge that this celebration is only possible because of the positive efforts and creativity of our incredible People Experience (HR) team. They go above and beyond to ensure that everyone at PRC feels supported and valued. 

Our People Experience (PX) team is the driving force behind our vibrant culture. For SAM, they’ve created and implemented exciting prize games, procured delightful goodies, and planned meaningful gatherings, making every effort to show their appreciation for our collective hard work. 

However, their dedication extends far beyond these events. They work diligently to recruit and hire the best people to staff our social and residential treatment services, ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality of care. 

The PX team also designs and conducts comprehensive trainings and workshops, making sure all staff are properly equipped to provide PRC’s essential programs. PX’s commitment to managing benefits, crafting organizational guidelines and policies, supporting health and wellness, and infusing organizational values into our processes and workspaces is truly commendable. 

We owe so much to our PX team for their tireless efforts to make PRC an exceptional place to work. Please join us in expressing our heartfelt gratitude for everything they do to create a supportive and dynamic workplace. 

Thank you, PX team, for being simply the best! 

Celebrating Superheroes, our staff!

May is a special time of year for us at PRC when we celebrate the real-life superheroes among us: our staff.  

Just like the caped crusaders of comic book lore, our team is committed to uplifting the lives of thousands of individuals facing adversity. With unwavering dedication, they navigate the complex landscapes of homelessness, mental health, substance use disorders, disability benefits, and workforce training to empower our clients to transform their lives for the better.

Our staff are the champions of PRC’s mission, infusing each and every interaction with boundless compassion, wholeheartedness, and genuine selflessness to uplift others.

This is why we dedicate an entire month to showing our appreciation and shining a spotlight on the unsung heroes of PRC. Join us as we celebrate the heroes of humanity, those who make a difference one act of kindness at a time. 

Today we’re highlighting Jeremias Vasquez, a trainer in our Workforce Development department. At our recent Open House, Jeremias delivered a powerful spoken word performance capturing the essence of our mission. His words resonated deeply, reminding us of the power of empathy and the importance of support.

Click to watch Jeremias Vasquez present his spoken word at PRC’s Open House, on Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Jeremias’s story and performance embody the spirit of resilience and hope that defines PRC. Through his journey of healing and growth, he seeks to break the cycle of hardship for future generations. His commitment to service inspires us all.

Check out Jeremias’s book “the past to Freedom.”

As we continue our mission of empowering individuals and strengthening communities, let us extend our heartfelt appreciation to Jeremias and every member of our team who works tirelessly to create positive change. 

In Community, 


P.S. Learn more about PRC’s incredible staff on our Instagram profile (click the Our Team icon). Follow us and share the important work we’re doing far and wide!

If you would like to donate food or items to support PRC’s Staff Appreciation Month, contact Greg Perez, Managing Director of People Experience, at [email protected].