Introducing PRC Brief: Our commitment to you

With new leadership and a new year, we wanted to rethink our communications
to you, so we’re launching PRC Brief — shorter, more frequent, and more
engaging bites of content to keep you informed.

We also recently surveyed you, our dedicated supporters, and we heard you.

  • You want to know what’s going on with PRC
  • You want us to be transparent
  • You want to know how we are strengthening the organization

We heard you, and what you had to say aligns perfectly with our organizational

values of:

We commit to you, our clients, and our community to embody these values in everything we do.

Starting with accountability. We are taking significant steps to become more financially sustainable over the long-term. We are making great progress in implementing a plan that maps out several key strategies.

  • Re-negotiating our contracts to make them more fully funded
  • Reducing expenses wherever possible to create a more efficient organization
  • Establishing a federally negotiated indirect rate for our federally funded contracts
  • Restructuring programs to focus on those most central to our core mission and be financially sustainable

As part of the last strategy, we successfully transferred two of our programs — Joe Healy Detox Program and Acceptance Place — to another service provider with as little disruption to clients and staff as possible. Both are up and running and accepting clients.

There is still much more work to do, and we look forward to keeping you informed throughout.

Thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns and share why PRC is so meaningful to you and worth saving. On behalf of the more than 5,000 clients we serve each year, we wholeheartedly agree.

We invite your continued dialogue.

Look out for:

  • 2021/22 Impact Report
  • Save the date for our 2023 events
  • Upcoming campaign for supporters to share PRC’s impact on your life

In community,