Join Charles and Gary in spreading support and joy.

We recently had the honor of meeting Charles and Gary, a remarkable couple who hope to amplify the profound impact that PRC has within our community. Charles came to PRC many years ago seeking assistance and shared his story of resilience, hope, and the transformative power of support.

Charles moved to San Francisco in 1979 on a quest for liberation, self-discovery, and to live freely as his true Self. He volunteered as a gay advocate with Citizens United Against Violence and as a street monitor during the Halloween festivals on Castro Street which he found to be fun and rewarding. Discovering his HIV-positive status in 1985 came as quite a shock and he discovered the daunting challenges he faced without adequate insurance coverage for HIV medications in those uncertain times.

While successful in a corporate day job, learning of his HIV status combined with feeling burnt out made Charles rethink what he truly wanted out of life. In his search for a change, he was guided to PRC. Charles credits PRC for providing the tools to help him process the trauma of contracting HIV, helping him reinvent himself and approach a new job market, and how to navigate the changes. He also credits the buying clubs for providing a lifeline to access vital HIV medications at affordable prices.

Charles’s search eventually led him to do voiceovers for the Network for Good’s call-in line and the National Radio Project. While working for the Network for Good he provided nearly free online fundraising services for nonprofits and remained in the field until after the passing of his longtime sweetheart Russel and then his retirement.

“The sessions I attended at PRC were very useful for helping me to really figure out my direction and to just survive. I continued working a corporate for a few years and then I moved over to the Network for Good where I spent the rest of my career. At the outset, I was working with a company called Ground Spring which was part of the Tides Foundation and then later merged with Network for Good. Now that I’ve retired, I want to give back. And I’m really excited about the ability to do stuff for PRC.”

Fast forward a few years, Charles and Gary met through a social meet-up group and are enjoying their life together here in San Francisco. Sharing a desire to bring positivity into the world, they’ve embarked on a mission to support PRC and encourage others to do the same. They understand firsthand the vital role PRC plays in providing resources and support to individuals like Charles.

Their commitment to our cause extends beyond their own experiences. Through their podcast, BayLyts, they share short episodes of their experiences in San Francisco that seek to foster community and laughter, bridging divides and spreading joy. They even talk about a recent visit to PRC’s Integrated Services Center in episode #2. We highly recommend giving them a listen.

We invite you to join Charles and Gary in supporting PRC. Your contribution can make a tangible difference in helping PRC to continue offering life-changing services to those affected by HIV/AIDS, mental health, and substance use, through providing hope, resources, residential treatment, and a path to a brighter future.