Scott Justus, CVA

Scott Justus moved to San Francisco from Dallas, TX in June of 1999.  He studied PR/marketing at West Texas A&M and graduated with a degree in activism and social change from New College of California. Passionate about social justice and impactful change, the Bay Area was a natural fit. Currently tasked with the development and community engagement effort at the Breakthrough Collaborative, Scott has spent the last 13 years working in non-profit marketing and development, over 23 years in special events, and is a Certified Volunteer Administrator. He also serves as the board secretary and chairs the Fund Development Committee for PRC, a $27M social service agency in San Francisco, leads the organization of the Arroyo Viejo Neighborhood Association, and volunteers as a big for Big Brothers Big Sisters East Bay chapter. Scott and his husband Michael have two dogs and call East Oakland home. In his free time, he enjoys hiking, music, tennis, and the abundance of amazing food in the Bay Area.