An Advocate for our Clients

“It’s got to be terrifying for somebody to be sitting on the other side of the desk from me, a stranger, asking all kinds of very personal questions. Time is of the essence with this work. If I don’t get a given item completed and filed, then it doesn’t happen for that client and there’s […]

“When I know of other people struggling, I let them know about PRC.”

Sonia was a healthy mother of five when one day a piece of candy got stuck in her throat and changed her life forever. The cuts she incurred prompted a visit to a specialist that was inconclusive. However, when Sonia couldn’t eat and began dramatically losing weight, she advocated for an MRI that showed she had an aneurism, a bulge, like a bubble, caused by a weak spot on a blood vessel wall in her brain. It was unrelated to the throat lacerations but would have gone undetected and untreated if not for that fateful piece of candy.

“PRC helped me get my life back.”

That’s no understatement. Meet Jessie. Jessie first came to San Francisco for a vacation, fell in love, and never looked back. Then she found herself living in a tent, and subsequently in legal trouble that had her back and forth between homelessness and incarceration for 28 years.

LGBTQ Rights – Recognized & Protected!

This is progress. Speaking truth! And making our voices heard. PRC reminds our community of its commitment to justice in all its forms, as we celebrate the rights of LGBTQ workers that are now protected from employment discrimination in America.    This week’s Supreme Court ruling has offered a glimmer of hope for our institutions, as we stand with our LGBTQ workers, leaders, clients, and the broader […]

Black Lives Matter

In response to the tragic events of the past week, we want to restate our key organizational value of Justice in all its forms. Our clients represent communities that have long faced cyclical poverty and structural inequity. At a time when their suffering is already compounded by COVID-19’s devastating impact on their health, community and […]

Emergency Response to COVID Must Include Behavioral Health

What happens when Californians living with mental illness and substance use disorders (SUDs) are unable to receive the care they need? Historically, many end up in jails and Emergency Departments or living on the street. Before COVID-19, this was an inadequate solution, one that community safety net providers worked hard to remedy. Now, the need […]

Computer Learning Center Expands Opportunity

Inside PRC’s buzzing 24-station Computer Learning Center, more than 100 people like Marilyn, Kim, and Sam are building digital literacy and skills to grow their income and workforce engagement. “I’m so excited to move forward and into the workforce again.” Outdated skills and gaps in employment can be hard to face, so PRC Workforce Development […]

How to Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits With HIV/AIDS

If you have HIV or AIDS, and your symptoms have advanced and made it impossible for you to work and earn a living, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) oversees two different disability programs that offer monthly benefits to disabled workers. A medical guide, which is called the […]

Check out the new ADAP Client Portal!

On September 3, 2019, the California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS released the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Client portal. Using the portal, clients enrolled in ADAP can: View their client ID, enrollment site, enrollment worker contact information, eligibility status, and eligibility end date View the Insurance Assistance Program information if enrolled, including […]

The Numbers Concerning Racial Inequity and Health Disparities Don’t Lie

As published in the San Francisco Bay Times, September 19, 2019 By Brett Andrews In October of 2017, I wrote an article for the San Francisco Bay Times that focused on the city’s Point-in-Time Count, which is a report primarily informed by a citywide survey of those homeless on any particular evening. The results of […]